Needle and Thread

Have you ever thrown away a piece of clothing because something broke off of or it ripped? With a simple needle and thread, you can keep wearing your otherwise scrapped items!! Today’s OFF THE CUFF live shows how to re-attach a broken strap.

You will need:

Any sewing needle. Bonus if the “eye” is not SUPER tiny.

Any color thread. Bonus if it matches.

Here’s what to do.

  1. Insert one end of the thread through the eye of the needle.

  2. Pull thread through the eye the length of one arm.

  3. Bring the end of the thread to the thread coming off the spool.

  4. Cut the thread coming off the spool.

  5. Tie the two ends of thread together with several knots to anchor it from coming through the fabric.

  6. Place the two pieces that you will be sewing together as you would like them to be.

  7. Insert the needle from the back (unseen side) of the garment at the far end of the rip, or one of the edges of the straps.

  8. Pull the needle all the way through from the top of the garment and continue to pull slowly until all the thread has been pulled through and only the knot remains on the back side.

  9. Insert the needle back into the front of the garment one stitch’s distance from where you pulled it up. There’s no right or wrong here, just a your preference of the size stitch you’d like to see.

  10. Pull the needle and thread all the way through again, but this time from underneath the garment.

  11. Insert the needle once again from the bottom of the garment as close to the place where the needle last came through. Leave enough fabric that the thread will grab a tiny bit of material between stitches.

  12. Pull the needle and thread through, slowly, from the top.

  13. Repeat this cycle until you have formed a box around the end of the strap that you are re-attaching.

  14. Look at you stitchin’! You’re doing it!!!

  15. If you’d like to finish the box with an X in the middle, make a stitch from one corner diagonally across to the other, and repeat in the other two corners. You can do that on top of itself several times if you’d like to add extra security to the thread that holds the straps.

  16. Finish with the needle on the underside of the garment.

  17. To tie off the thread, guide the needle under a few stitches from the back of the fabric, and before pulling the thread all the way through, loop the needle through the big loose loop you are pulling through.

  18. Repeat this three times in the same spot.

  19. Cut the thread just above the “knot”, and you’re done!

To watch our demonstration of this, click here. If you have an Instagram account, you can save the video for future reference!

Let us know that this was helpful by leaving a comment to tell use what you mended. Look how you saved that piece of clothing!!!


Guest Series: Lea and Dorm Room Essentials


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